What We Do
We've been supporting the students and teachers of Zaharis Elementary for over two decades.
ZPTO is comprised of parent and staff volunteers who want students to have the best possible experience during their years at Zaharis.
Our PTO raises funds to support school and classroom needs, partners with local businesses, provides teacher support and appreciation, puts on several fun events throughout the year, and more!
We are a 501(c)3 organization. You can find our disclosures here.
Meet the 2023-2024 Board
Ashley Barras, President
Ashley has been a parent at Zaharis for five years and is the mother of Gavin, a 6th grader, and Westin, a 1st grader. Last year, she served as the PTO Vice President and was promoted to President in the second half of the year. She is happy to continue in her role as President this year. With a genuine interest in enhancing the educational experience for all students and creating a fun environment for the staff, Ashley is committed to making a positive impact on the school community.
Danae DeStories, Vice President
Danae is an Arizona native and loves to take her family on adventures all around the valley. She is currently a preschool teacher and was formerly an MPS 1st grade teacher. Bring a Mom to her two kids Paxtyn (Kindergarten) and Paisley (Pre-K) is truly what makes her the happiest. She can’t wait to join the PTO board as Secretary this school year!
Kayla Medak, Vice President
Kayla moved to Arizona in July of 2021 and is loving getting to explore this beautiful state! She is a part time preschool teacher and a mom to two boys, Luke (6th grade) and Finn (1st grade). She jumped into volunteer with ZPTO as soon as the 2021/2022 school year began and has loved every part of it. She did not hesitate to join the board as VP, and has held other positions on the board as well. If she isn’t at the school volunteering you can find her shuttling and cheering on the boys from one sport to the next!
Kristi Pounders, Treasurer
Jaime Burkart, Secretary
Jaime while not an Arizona native, did grow up in Gilbert starting at age 5. Jaime loves traveling with her family, reading a good book, photography, gardening, and her chickens. If she could she would have her own little farm. Jaime works full time as a Technical Data Analyst at Wells Fargo, and is Mom to Everett (1st grade). Jaime spent a lot of time last school year volunteering with the ZPTO and in the classroom. She is excited to join and jump into the role as Scretary this school year with ZPTO!