Get Involved

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Family Movie Night…Help set up and Pop Popcorn

Be a part of our very important and fun…



Cup Of Joey Monthly Appreciation is a time to show the LOVE to the Teachers and Staff of Zaharis! We need Volunteers to pass out Drinks after drop off once a month. Sign up to find a date to help.

For those with a desire to help but not enough time to make a regular commitment, we are always looking for more hands! This could be helping staff a teacher appreciation brunch, baking cookies for carnival, or any number of other small contributions that help our PTO run smoothly and provide support to students, teachers, and staff. Make sure you're getting our emails or following us on Facebook to stay informed about upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Become a Member-at-Large

Members-at-large are "official" members of ZPTO. They help with all the planning and organizing that goes on behind the scenes, head up committees, and attend most meetings. In order to become a member-at-large you must attend one of our first two meetings in a given school year. You can find info about our regular meeting schedule here.


Run for the Board

The Board is the heart of ZPTO. It's a lot of work but also very rewarding! The Board sets the budget, works to determine teacher and staff needs, votes to allocate funds for community activities and school needs and makes all the "big" decisions. Elections are held every year and board members may serve in a role for two consecutive years. You must be an active member-at-large for at least one year in order to run for a board position.


Other Types of Support

There are SO MANY ways you can support ZPTO without having to ever attend a meeting! We partner with many businesses to help fund our PTO mission and goals. Everything from shopping on Amazon. to ordering a pizza can help support our school.

Learn More →

Do you get our emails?

We send regular emails to keep parents informed about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and fundraising efforts. Click here to add your email to our list!