Teacher Allotments
This year our PTO has budgeted $200 for individual teacher allotments and $200 for K-1, $300 for all other grade levels and departments, $100 for cafeteria and nursing.
According to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit requirements, allotments must be used to further the organization's mission, which is "to support the students, staff, and families of Zaharis Elementary."
We realize this is pretty broad but ask that you be wise in your PTO allotment spending as this money comes from our students and their families and we could potentially be called to account for it with the IRS if we are ever audited.
That being said, the money is there for you to use and we hope that you will take advantage of it! If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask us. Grab us in the hall or send an email to ZPTOpres@gmail.com. An executive board member will get back to you!
Individual Allotments
These may be spent on things like:
- Classroom supplies
- Technology
- Educational experiences
- Etc.
Please note that any items purchased with PTO allotment funds become school property.
Grade Level & Department Allotments
Same guidelines as individual allotments. All expenditures must be agreed upon by everyone in the grade level or department.
How it Works
Traditionally, ZPTO allotments have worked on a reimbursement system. Teachers purchase the item then submit for reimbursement. If this is not feasible for you, please let us know and we will work with you. Otherwise, fill out the following form and email a picture of the receipt to ZPTOtreasury@gmail.com. We will approve the reimbursement and get a check to you within a reasonable period of time (2ish weeks).